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Tuesday, October 21, 2008

♥ Totally broke

20 October

I woke up at about 2pm. Had my lunch, and went back to sleep after that. I am such a pig. Set my alarm at 4.30pm. I woke up, and starting getting ready for work, which was starting at 6pm. I left my house at about 5.15pm. After a long time, i am actually had a good sleep.

And i realised something. I have on $2 left in my bank account, which is a decrease of $702. I just spend too much of money. But nvm, i got to pamper myself. I work for it, so i got to sayang myself too. Haha.

Pay will be coming in on the 24th. I dont need to worry about money, because i will be getting lots of money. From Darvin father, mother, my family. I bet it will reach $300. So yup. But i still have my huge amount bill to pay

If you can see clearly, it shows $256.28. So it means tat 7/8th of my money will be gone. But its ok. Cause i still have my pay to back me up. So no worries. I will go through it.

I will blog soon, most probably tmr. And i am so looking forward to my holidays, for both work and school.


♥Boy, I love you more and more each day♥
2:15 PM
0 commented

♥ Fire walking

19 October

Worked full shift. Which means from 10.30am till 10.30pm. Imagine that. Anyway, had break at 2pm. Ate Nasi Lemak from QiJi, which is so delicious. Started work again, and caught Marivie sleep. Took a photo of her sleeping

Yeah i am so mean. And my incharge scared me. He said that if someone took picture of a person sleeping, the person will not get up. And i was like ' you had to tell me now la, when i already took it'. But luckily, after 15 minutes, she woke up, fit and healthy. HEHE=)

I finished work at 10.30pm, and went to meet Baby straight. Headed down to Chinatown temple for Fire- Walking. Met Anbarasi and Ajay there. Spend bout 3 hrs with them. After that, went to meet VENGA. He was like high. As usual. I was so scared Baby would end up fighting, and plus he is under probation, so we left at about 4am. Saw the fire walking for a while and headed back home after that. I reached home at about 5am. Bathe, and when to sleep straight after that.

And yeah, i skipped school, once again

i love you my baby boy=)


♥Boy, I love you more and more each day♥
1:56 PM
0 commented

♥ Tiring day at work

18 October

Reached work place at about 10pm. Had to report slightly early, cause had stocks coming in. Ok. To be frank right, I almost died unpacking the stuff from the cartons.

When i entered the shop, I was shock to see so many cartons. Replenishing cartons, transfer cartons, new arrivals carton. O gosh. I was like, 'OMG'. No choice. I had to open the cartons alone. Shop opened at 11pm SHARP. From 11pm, till 3pm, I was opening stocks.

The cartons may look little, but imagine, 3 designs in one carton. 20 pieces per designs. All wrapped in plastic. And i am suppose to unwrap it, verify the stocks, place it back into the cartons after that. And i had to do it for 13 cartons. Anyway, i manage to finish it. And the good thing about it is, time pass quite fast when you open stocks. So yeah.And this is my acting cute in-charge. I was taking a photo of the cartons when he came and said this ' Why not take mine, ,i much cuter'. I was like, WHATEVER!!!.. Anyway, i got to say, he is a extremely good in-charge. Super fun to get along with. So yeah, makes working life FUN, FUN, FUN

Finished work at about 7pm. When to meet Baby at his house. Slacked with Baby, Vicky, and his cousin. Left at about 10.00pm. Cabbed back home


♥Boy, I love you more and more each day♥
1:42 PM
0 commented

♥ Her big eyes

17 October

Have been a long time since i blogged, actually just 2 days. There is so much to blog on, that i dont even know wher to start from.

On Friday, Baby came to fetch me from Woodlands Mrt station. At last ok!!..Its so difficult for him to come and fetch me, and he always complain" your school is so far". We headed down to Far East, and bought some stuff from there. It was already 6.30pm by then. After that, we bused down to Harbourfront, and went to Vivocity. Baby bought one EVERLAST t-shirt, and one I.P Zone jeans.

Headed to Baby house, cause the indian god from Chinatown temple was coming to Telok Bhangla Area. We reached there at about 9pm. Cabbed down to Sonu house. Reshimi was with us, and i was carrying her for almost all the time. She is so super cute. With her big eyes

I think its because of the flash, that her eyes are a little closed..

Left at about 11.30pm. Cabbed back down to PP straight. Slept soon after. Morning shift the next day. Had to get enough rest


♥Boy, I love you more and more each day♥
9:30 AM
0 commented

Friday, October 17, 2008

♥ One week off, which means enjoyment=)

16 october
Had maths UT in the morning. I could hardly do any questions. So tough. And whats worst is that i heard that the management will not moderate the score. So if that's the case, a 'F' is a sure for me.
After UT, had communication module. I love communication cause the faci is just like us. So easy going, and that makes lesson quite fun. Topic for ytd was 'PRIVACY', and it was quite easy. Cause most of it is common sense.
Went for lunch with ex classmate- Atiqah..Updates each other about our lives. I finished school at about 4.30pm, and Arti, Bal were waiting for me. So sweet=)..We walked to the mrt station together, and because of the rain, we had to take the shelther which means a longer walking time.
From there, I trained down to Cityhall and walked to GIORDANO. Work ytd was very fun. After a very long time, i am actually working with my in-charge, who is so chin chai. Makes working life fun fun fun.!!!..
Sales reached $1250 ytd. not bad..Having positive for month to date. But we still got another 52% to go, to each target for october. In charge- Andy thought me new stuff ytd. Kind of complicating. He said that he wants me to be a strong worker, and has a lot of confidence in me..Yipee=)
He has approved my request for a one week holiday. So it means that from the 25th, till the 31st, i will be off. Resting time for me- AT LAST. It is really stressful to work, and study. But no choice. I tend to spend a lot, and it is not really nice to always ask my parents for money. On the process to being an independent child..=) (praises for me)
Reached home at about 11.20pm. Baby talked to me all the way..Will be meeting Baby later, for shopping, and then heading to his house for some indian prayers. I have not seen him for 2 days, and i really miss him dearly. Haiz..Nvm, later he will make up to it..
Will blog soon alright. Take care peers

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♥Boy, I love you more and more each day♥
10:43 AM
0 commented

Thursday, October 16, 2008

♥ Day out

October 15

Went to school in the morning. Had cognitive module, which was like so complicating and bored. Manage to go through it. Jaspreet came and met me at Woodland mrt station, and we trained down to Tiong Bahru. Went to Baby's house. Bought chicken rice, and ate at his house. Baby is like so lazy, always complaining he is tired. Only Jaspreet knows what happen at his house..Haha.I had to practically drag him to eat his chicken rice.

Jaspreet took a video of us fighting on the bed. Haha..I am not going to upload it, cause it is so embarassing. Not really sure whether Jas will publish it

Headed to temple straight after that. Met Arti, Bal, Sonu, Vicky etc at temple. Slacked outside temple and at about 8.45pm, we left the temple. Jaspreet and me started taking photo at the mrt station.

We went to eat KFC. After that, headed back home. Had a great day..=)


♥Boy, I love you more and more each day♥
1:10 PM
0 commented

♥ Back to the old look

14 October
Nothin much happen for the past few days. Reborned my hair, cause i was like so sick of my stupid curls. Its so difficult to take care. I just gave up. Went to the Saloon at jaslyn house. Got a offer, and i had to pay like only $120, which is so cheap. Arti accompanied me till about 2.30pm. And yeah i forget, i went for Ut in the morning, and left during first break-out, just to reborn my hair. That shows that my hair is more important than my studies. Omg. Haha..
Baby accompanied me all the way, which was till 4.45pm. He slept half way which i was doing my hair..I think because he had disturbed Arti and me too much, thus he was tired. Jaspreet came just as i was about to finish. Went to Baby's house after that. Slacked for a while, and went down to eat, cause i was super hungry.
Baby met Faizal at Telok Bhangla, and they headed towards Redhill ( they were going to the gym). From Redhill, I took a train back. Went to bed at 9.15pm, but couldnt sleep cause Baby had not reached home yet. He called me once he reached home, and soon after i fell asleep. That was about 10.15pm.
*Baby body is coming bigger and stronger as days go past. At least he is training, not drinking or wasting money on useless things. So i am quite satisfied with his current life=)


♥Boy, I love you more and more each day♥
1:02 PM
0 commented

♥ Her world ;

    23 Dec'90
    ♥Happily Attached To My Baby, Darvin

♥ Chit Chat

Your Love IS Blind - Ramzi & Ash King

♥ Credit

♥ Past